There are dozens of dog bites a year, and a trickle or to of fatal attacks. But, the media leads you to believe that there are more fatal attacks than there truly are. Plus, they lead you to believe that pit bulls are the only dog breed that attack. I haven't heard of a Great Dane or German Shepherd fatal attack in the media in a while, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't happen.
Plus, even looking at the statistics, you can't assume that just because it says "Pit Bull", "Pit Bull Mix", or whatever that it truly was that dog because the characteristics that lead people to believe a dog is a pit bull type dog are similar characteristics of other big dog breeds. So, it's just not fair.
Yes, these dogs attack. I'm not denying that fact, but they just don't attack as frequently or as often as the media lets you to believe.
For more information, check out the first hub that I've published from my list of hubs for April:
Severe Dog Attacks and Pit Bull- Type Dogs(Picture at the top is of a Dogo Argentina.)