Ok, so it's something my mom's not the proudest to admit... Her daughter has rats in her room... But, it's true. I do. I have three rats- a black hooded, black berkshire, and brown berkshire. And, no matter how much I swear they give kisses, no one believes me, and no one dares to try it. Ha. I love my rats greatly.
My rats experience tons of treats daily... Well, when I say tons I mean no more than 10% of their diet, but tons none-the-less. You always have to watch out what and how much you feed rats, as surprisingly enough they're not like the nasty New York sewer rats. The following article is a great listing of treats that your rat(s) CAN have.
Rats LOVE attention! To any rat lover, that's no surprise. Games and Toys for Your Pet Rats is a great show of fun that you can have with your pet rat.
I'm a constant worry-wort when it comes to my animals. Wondering if they're getting enough nutrition in their diet, attention, excercise. Like my chinchillas, my rats, too, hold a special place in my heart. I have compiled Signs of Illness In Your Rat in order to share a few symptoms that you can look for in order spot whether or not your rat is sickly or not.
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