Sunday, October 28, 2007
Goldendoodles are one of the "designer breeds" that claim to be hypoallergenic. But the truth is that most people are allergic to the dander of animals, not the hair or fur. And ALL dogs will have dander even the poodle, labradoodle, goldendoodle, and various other poodle mixes. And, yes they are mixes as very few breeders have a confirmed characteristic of the "breed," and until that day, to most people they will still be considered a mix breed dog.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Miniature Pets
Miniature Pets can range from the cute little one pound chihuhuas or the three feet tall cattle. Miniature pets are great for those people who want the characteristics of the normal sized animal, but just don't quite have the room. Example being that a person with two acres of land may not be able to have a herd of goats, but they could have a herd of miniature goats or cattle or horses.
An apartment dwelling family may not be able to have a standarad poodle in their apartment, but a miniature poodle, toy poodle, or teacup poodle, would all fit in just fine.
An apartment dwelling family may not be able to have a standarad poodle in their apartment, but a miniature poodle, toy poodle, or teacup poodle, would all fit in just fine.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Souther California Wildlife Suffer During the Fires
California Wildlife is Threatened in Fires that is destroying the southern portion of the state. Thousands have been evacuated, but you evacuate all the animals in the woods and forests of the areas. They must fend for themselves. You can donate money to the rehabilitation of the animals at Animal Advocates Organization if you want to help. They will rehabilitate the animals and release them back into the wild.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Crested Gecko Care Sheet

Crested geckos are a great beginner reptile. They have simple husbandry requirements that are fairly easy to meet. Crested geckos are a relatively small gecko that do not need excessive space.
And, they come in a variety of morphs (colors), ranging from brightly colored harlequins and fires to dalmations opf varying degrees. They can be pinstripe, tiger, patternless, red, tan, yellow, etc.
Crested geckos are becoming more and more popular in today's reptile market due to their ease in to keep in captivity.
A few crested gecko breeders include:
These are just a few of the reputable breeders I have had the pleasure of working with.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Housing Rats
SO, you've decided to let a rat into your heart and home. Now, to choose the proper cage before you actually bring the little critter home. It's best to go ahead and have the cage at home so you don't have to let the rat sit in his take home box for too long.
Choosing a rat cage is actually fairly simple. There are three basic designs- aquarium, plastic, or wire. Make sure that you have a solid floor on the cage to prevent bumble foot.
Fill the cage with toys and proper bedding. To make your rat healthy and happy.
Choosing a rat cage is actually fairly simple. There are three basic designs- aquarium, plastic, or wire. Make sure that you have a solid floor on the cage to prevent bumble foot.
Fill the cage with toys and proper bedding. To make your rat healthy and happy.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Fancy Rats

Pet Rats consider all the options, even consider whether you would prefer a pet mouse. Consider the time, money, and space that you have. Research fancy rats, their housing, treats, games and toys, and even find a list of the signs and symptoms of illnesses for rats. You want to make sure that you consider every possibility before bringing a new pet home.
From personal experience, I love my pet rats, and wouldn't have it any other way. They live in a 4 foot tall wire cage with a solid bottom. They receive fresh and dried fruits as treats, as well as a few seeds, nuts, and yogurt treats.
The only difference with pet rats and most small animal pets, is that because they are so intelligent, you will have to make sure that they are not left without toys, as they will get bored easily. Entertain their brains!!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Dog Tricks
Dog tricks are fun for you and your dog. There are so many tricks that you can teach your dog. Show them off for friends, too. Try teaching your dog wave and spin. Why stop there? Why not try teaching your dog to put up his toys and to say he's sorry?
dog training,
dog tricks,
how to,
training dog tricks,
Monday, October 8, 2007
Correcting Problem Behaviors
Dog problem behaviors can be rough to live with. Whether they be digging, chewing, barking, jumping, or any other nuissance behavior. You can untrain your dog of these problem behaviors as easy as you trained him. Yes, more than likely you unwillingly trained your dog to jump.
When you dog was a puppy, and he jumped on you, what did you do? More than likely, you pet him. Right? The you just rewarded the behavior. From that point on the dog associated jumping on you, or any other person as getting pet, so anytime he wanted your attention or to be petted, he would jump on you. But, now that the cute 10 pound puppy is no longer 10 pounds, but 60, what do you do?
Find ways to solve the problem behaviors. That's what you do. Once you have found the cause to the problem behavior, you can begin to fix it.
But, not all problem behaviors are as simple, as you'd think. Some behaviors are caused be some fear or emotion within the dog. Yes, dog's can be scared, too. Some dogs are scared of thunder and storms, whether it be because of the loud noise, the rain, or the change in barometic pressure. But, either way, you can fix... Well, unless it's the change in barometric pressure, otherwise, I have a few tips. Try drowning out the should with loud music or television. Occupy the dog during the storm. On a sunny day, play a recording of a thunder storm, slowly raising the volume, until the dog doesn't care.
In any sense, you CAN fix the problem behaviors that are ruining your lifestyle. In many cases may even be embarrassed of your dog's behaviors. Well, fix them. Don't hide or crate the dog, that's a quick fix, truly dig deep and fix the problems. It'll be worth it in the end.
When you dog was a puppy, and he jumped on you, what did you do? More than likely, you pet him. Right? The you just rewarded the behavior. From that point on the dog associated jumping on you, or any other person as getting pet, so anytime he wanted your attention or to be petted, he would jump on you. But, now that the cute 10 pound puppy is no longer 10 pounds, but 60, what do you do?
Find ways to solve the problem behaviors. That's what you do. Once you have found the cause to the problem behavior, you can begin to fix it.
But, not all problem behaviors are as simple, as you'd think. Some behaviors are caused be some fear or emotion within the dog. Yes, dog's can be scared, too. Some dogs are scared of thunder and storms, whether it be because of the loud noise, the rain, or the change in barometic pressure. But, either way, you can fix... Well, unless it's the change in barometric pressure, otherwise, I have a few tips. Try drowning out the should with loud music or television. Occupy the dog during the storm. On a sunny day, play a recording of a thunder storm, slowly raising the volume, until the dog doesn't care.
In any sense, you CAN fix the problem behaviors that are ruining your lifestyle. In many cases may even be embarrassed of your dog's behaviors. Well, fix them. Don't hide or crate the dog, that's a quick fix, truly dig deep and fix the problems. It'll be worth it in the end.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Dog Agility Training
If you've decided to train your dog agility. Awesome choice. It's a great way to run the energy out of you dog and loose a few calories while you're at it. You want to learn the basics of the sport, as yes, it is a sport. Learn the history behind today's competitive dog sport. Learn what each obstacle is and looks like.
Then, find out how to best train each obstacle from the jump to the tunnel to the seesaw. The best and quickest way is to target train mixed with a little clicker training. Have the dog target a plate of some kind of object in order to clear the bar jump obstacle or to properly run over the dog walk.
Next, learn the course. Learn the faults. Know how to run it. Get used the the ever changing agility course. You won't have a problem as long as you dog knows how to perform each obstacle. At that point, you'll be able to run the course with ease and efficiency.
Then, find out how to best train each obstacle from the jump to the tunnel to the seesaw. The best and quickest way is to target train mixed with a little clicker training. Have the dog target a plate of some kind of object in order to clear the bar jump obstacle or to properly run over the dog walk.
Next, learn the course. Learn the faults. Know how to run it. Get used the the ever changing agility course. You won't have a problem as long as you dog knows how to perform each obstacle. At that point, you'll be able to run the course with ease and efficiency.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Leopard Gecko

Leopard geckos are one of the better beginner reptiles that one can have. They have relatively easy husbandry requirements, making Caring For Leopard Geckos pretty simple. Being a smaller reptile in the pet trade, leopard geckos only need at minimum a 10 gallon aquarium, again making housing them come with ease.
Leopard geckos are insectivores, eating crickets, mealworms, superworms, butterworms, roaches, waxworms, silkworms, and phenix worms. But, sometimes when they're sick or stressed, the will not eat. If the temperatures in their enclosure are not correct, they may stop eating, as well. When your leopard gecko stops eating, you can tray various things. Do NOT try force feeding, unless it is you absolute last possible option! When you notice weight loss from you leopard gecko's tail and body weight, you may want to take the gecko to the vet. You can try a different feeder insect, and lastly, you could try the leopard gecko slushy.

After researching,caring for leopard geckos for years, preparing incubators and lay boxes, and even made plans as to where the hatchlings will go, then you're ready for Breeding Leopard Geckos.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Revolution for Dogs
Revolution is one of the better flea and tick preventatives on the market today. It can be purchased at your veterinarian's office, sometimes Petco, but always online. Various online petstores and discounts will sell Revolution.
Revolution comes in various sizes to include:
for puppies under 5 lbs PINK
5-10 lb dogs PURPLE
10-20 lb dogs BROWN
20-40 lb dogs RED
40-85 lb dogs TEAL
85-130 lb dogs PLUM
Revolution is a great preventative to keep fleas and ticks off your pets as they carry diseases and viruses that can harm your dog.
Revolution comes in various sizes to include:
Revolution is a great preventative to keep fleas and ticks off your pets as they carry diseases and viruses that can harm your dog.
Dog Fighting
Dog Fighting is very much a part of the bully breed family's history and ancestry. But, do you truly understand what it involved. Today, dog fighters throw their dogs in a pit and let the have at it. But traditionally, there were rules and regulations. Strict ones at that. Now, don't get me wrong, I am a APBT advocate, and 100% disagree with dog fighting. But, learning the truths and history of dog fighting has opened my eyes more to the history of the breed. It has made me better understand their background.
Plus, without the background that they did have, they wouldn't be the breed they are today... Loving, loyal, protective, robust, healthy, and so much more!
Plus, without the background that they did have, they wouldn't be the breed they are today... Loving, loyal, protective, robust, healthy, and so much more!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Pet Snakes
I'm a lover of snakes. Of all sizes, shapes, and colors. Now, don't get me wrong, I do have my preferences. I'm a huge fan of ball pythons of any morph, but again I like piebalds, mohaves, pastels, and of course the plain and simple standard ball python. I like red tail boas, California kingsnakes, and even the temperaments Emerald tree boa.
I find that as pets, snakes are very easy to care for. They only get fed a minimum of once a week. You can even go a month without feeding a snake, of course all depending on the size and species of the snake. You wouldn't wait a month in between feedings to feed a hatchling burmese python.
I find that as pets, snakes are very easy to care for. They only get fed a minimum of once a week. You can even go a month without feeding a snake, of course all depending on the size and species of the snake. You wouldn't wait a month in between feedings to feed a hatchling burmese python.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Fake Rock Instructional
Making Fake Rock is rather easy as long as you have the time and patients. It's a messy crafy, but seeing it in you reptile's enclosure makes it worth.
You can make the designs as elaborate or simple as you choose. You can make perches, ledges, hides, humid hides, rocks, backgrounds, and more!
I've made full backgrounds, regulare hides, humid hides, rocks, perches, and bridges for my leopard geckos, African fat tail geckos, and bearded dragons. I've made full backgrounds and partial backgrounds, as well.
It's all up to your creativity and imagination. But, don't worry if you think you're not the most creative or imaginative. It's a simple project. And you know the husbandry for you reptile, so have fun with it.
You can make the designs as elaborate or simple as you choose. You can make perches, ledges, hides, humid hides, rocks, backgrounds, and more!
I've made full backgrounds, regulare hides, humid hides, rocks, perches, and bridges for my leopard geckos, African fat tail geckos, and bearded dragons. I've made full backgrounds and partial backgrounds, as well.
It's all up to your creativity and imagination. But, don't worry if you think you're not the most creative or imaginative. It's a simple project. And you know the husbandry for you reptile, so have fun with it.
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