Sunday, October 7, 2007

Dog Agility Training

If you've decided to train your dog agility. Awesome choice. It's a great way to run the energy out of you dog and loose a few calories while you're at it. You want to learn the basics of the sport, as yes, it is a sport. Learn the history behind today's competitive dog sport. Learn what each obstacle is and looks like.

Then, find out how to best train each obstacle from the jump to the tunnel to the seesaw. The best and quickest way is to target train mixed with a little clicker training. Have the dog target a plate of some kind of object in order to clear the bar jump obstacle or to properly run over the dog walk.

Next, learn the course. Learn the faults. Know how to run it. Get used the the ever changing agility course. You won't have a problem as long as you dog knows how to perform each obstacle. At that point, you'll be able to run the course with ease and efficiency.

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