Sunday, October 14, 2007

Fancy Rats

Pet Rats consider all the options, even consider whether you would prefer a pet mouse. Consider the time, money, and space that you have. Research fancy rats, their housing, treats, games and toys, and even find a list of the signs and symptoms of illnesses for rats. You want to make sure that you consider every possibility before bringing a new pet home.

From personal experience, I love my pet rats, and wouldn't have it any other way. They live in a 4 foot tall wire cage with a solid bottom. They receive fresh and dried fruits as treats, as well as a few seeds, nuts, and yogurt treats.

The only difference with pet rats and most small animal pets, is that because they are so intelligent, you will have to make sure that they are not left without toys, as they will get bored easily. Entertain their brains!!

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