Sunday, December 14, 2008
Pets Make Bad Gifts
There are many people who think that giving someone a pet as a gift is a good idea, well since the holiday season is upon us, I thought I'd share why giving pets as gifts can be a terrible idea. One that just may backfire tremendously.
First off, you don't know if the person really wants the pet, and if the person does, what if you get the wrong color, breed, etc.
There are just so many reasons as to why pets make bad gifts, but you can always give gift cards and homemade coupons as to you get a guinea pig of your choice, or whatever...
Monday, November 10, 2008
The Best Pets to Own in an Apartment
The Best Pets to Own in an Apartment
There are so many dogs that can live in an apartment, as well as fish, pocket pets, reptiles, cats, and more, but you just want to make sure that you pick an animal that can and will be happy in a small space.
For example, you don't want to pick a hyperactive larger dog to squeeze into your apartment. But, that doesn't mean to discount large dogs, just make sure that the breed or mix-breed has traits that qualify for small living spaces and low key temperaments.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Feline Leukemia
What is Feline Leukemia? What are the Signs and is There Treatment?
If you have pet cats or you are thinking about getting one, make sure that you are aware of the signs of feline leukemia and that you have your cat tested for feline leukemia virus.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Leopard Gecko Dropped His Tail
Treating a Leopard Gecko Dropped Tail
In captivity, there typically isn't that much fear of predators except for the occassional cat that can get in the cage or escapee gecko, but even still it happens. Although, the tail does grow back, it isn't as lovely as the original tail, which is why you must do your best to prevent a tail drop, but sometimes it happens.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Dog Chocolate Poisoning
Dogs really should not have ANY chocolate, but not because it will automatically kill them. Dogs can have a small piece every now and then, although it's really not recommended and you really shouldn't do it. I mean you really don't know how your dog's body will react because some dogs are highly allergic to chocolate, whereas others aren't.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Dog Bed
For example, older dogs usually do better with raised dog beds and heated dog beds, whereas a puppy will be fine with just about anything plush and comfy.
There are many different types of dog beds that you can consider ranging from dog couches, dog pillows, crate mats, and more.
I just suggest that you find something that has a removeable cover for easy cleaning.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Homemade Crested Gecko Diet
Although, the best thing that you can ever feed your crested gecko is the meal replacement- Crested Gecko Diet- you can offer a homemade treat that your geckos will love. You want to avoid baby food at all costs, it's nothing but sugar for them and no real nutritional value. Remember that it is formulated for human children and not reptiles. But, you can offer a fresh fruit smoothie blended with calcium and vitamins. You geckos will love this treat and they will thank your for it.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Mix or Pure Bred Dog?
Some of the basic information can be found here:
Should I Get a Mix-Breed or Pure Breed Dog?
But in general, it will be up to you to decide what kind of do will be best for you and your household.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Dog Seizures
Dog Seizures- Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, & More
If your dog has had a seizure in the past, and you are worried that your dog may have a reoccurance you should really talk to your vet. The below link will give you a great start as to finding out information for what causes the seizures, how a vet can diagnose the seizures, and options for treatment. This is a great source of information to get you started. You'll find natural and chemical treatments for dogt seizures, ad well as other information that is vital to helping you and your dog with his seizures.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Great Dog Books to Buy
These four books have great advice that you can implement with your own dog in hopes of correcting the little things and behavior kinks. Check out the reviews and decide if the books are really for you or not.
Dog Health Book Review: Hound Health Handbook
Dog Training Book Review: Click & Easy- Clicker Training for Dogs
Dog Training Book Review: Hip Ideas for Hyper Dogs
Dog Training Book Review: The Culture Clash
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Cheap Hamster Cages
Below is a link for cheap hamster cages and hamster cage accessories that you can purchase. You can also find more cages available on this page.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Caring for Russian Tortoise
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Mix Breed or Pure Breed
So, when picking a dog, it will be up to you to weigh the pros and cons for both and then make your final decision...
Check out the following link for more pros and cons for mix breed dogs and pure breed dogs.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Dog Food Company Makes Condiments
This topping is supposed to be nutritional and dog approved.
You may want to check it out if you have a finicky eater or if you just want to ensure that your dog is getting all his vitamins and minerals.
The below link provides two links where you can purchase the dog food topping. It seems to be on average 8.99 per 14 ounce bottle.
Paris Dog Food Company Makes Condiments
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Grooming Pet Cats
It is very important that you properly groom your cat, especially if it is a medium or long haird variety. You want to make sure hat the cat's teeth are clean and it is free of matts.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Elderly and Obese Dogs
With elderly dogs, you want to make sure that you change your dog's food to a senior dog food, and you have your vet do regular checkups just to make sure that your aging pup is in good health.
For overweight dogs, you want to consult your vet to find a diet plan for your dog. You want to avoid all tablescraps and limit treats as much as you can. Obesity can lead to other health issues, so you want to prevent an overweight dog before it is too late.
For more information check out the following:
Caring for an Elderly and Aging Dog
Dog Obesity Prevention and Health Risks
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Freshwater Fish Tank
It's very important to know how to set up a freshwater fish tank, and what fish will get along in a freshwater fish tank.
List of Tropical Fish for Freshwater Aquariums

Saturday, July 19, 2008
Fleas, Ticks, and Heartworms
You should make sure that you apply a flea and tick preventative for your dog in order to prevetn your dog from being infested from fleas, and you shold provide your dog with monthly heartworm prevention. Below you will find the links for more information about comparing the different flea and tick preventions and information about heartworm disease (symptoms, treatment, and prevention).
Frontline, Advantage, Advantix, and Other Flea and Tick Control for Dogs

Friday, July 4, 2008
Underground Pet Fences
The one thing that you want to remember is that although the underground and wireless pet fences keep your dog in the yard, they won't keep dogs out of your yard. So, if you have an un-altered pet, you'll want to avoid putting it in the backyard, so that you don't end up with a litter of your own.

Typically the only thing that will keep other dogs out of your yard is a physical fence.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Dog Collars
The collar needs to leave only 2 fingers width between the neck and inside of the collar. If the collar is too large, then your dog can slip out, but if it's too small, he may have trouble breathing.
There are many types of dog collars that you can choose from, ranging from nylon collars to leather collars. You'll find reflective materials and spikes. Youll even find high fashion collars and accessories from brands like Coach and Burberry.
Other types of collars are training collars which include, martingale collars, pinch collars, choke collars, and gentle leaders.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Coach Dog Supplies
Coach Dog Supplies & Accessories
You can find decently priced Coach accessories on the link above, as you don't have to spend a fortune to style your dog to your preferences and tastes.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Dog Chew Deterrents
Make sure to supply plenty of toys that your dog can chew on, as boredom is a major component to destructive chewing.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Dog Birthday Parties
Make Dinner and Dessert for Your Dog's Birthday
You may even want to make a whole dinner. Who know. I mean the options are pretty much unlimited and up to you.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Choosing a Pit Bull Puppy
Tip for Choosing a Pit Bull Puppy
When picking a puppy, you want to talk with the breeder, if you're buying from a breeder, otherwise talk with the shelter representative who has the most interaction with the puppies. I mean it doesn't make sense to talk to the clerk or the cat person when you're interested in a puppy.
But, anyway, you want to ask questions about the health of the pups, general temperament, and if you're not 100% comfortable, you'll want to ask for references.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Game Pit Bull
Gameness is typically the will and determination of a dog to complete a task under immense pain and stress. No other dog breed has been bred for this, except "pit bull" type dogs. Yes, there are other breeds that have shear determination and will, but not to complete a task under immense pain or stress.
One can argue this point to no end, but I'm sorry, a rottweiler is not game, neither is a Doberman, or a Chihuahua.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Puppy Vaccinations

Pet vaccinations are very important to keeping a healthy pet, of course among other things, but definitely keep in mind that regular vaccinations can prevent a load of illnesses and diseases.
When thinking about gettting a new puppy, you want to consider whether you have the money to not only pay for food but vet care.
Schedule of Puppy Vaccinations and Common Diseases
There's a basic list of core vaccinations that your puppy needs, but you may also want to consider teh extra vaccinations that can prevent lyme disease, Para-Influenza, kennel cough, and Leptospirosis, as depending on where you live, your puppy may be succeptible to these illnesses.
Monday, June 16, 2008
How Do Puppies Learn?
* You want to make each session as pleasant and positive as you can.
* Repeat exercises, as the more you repeat, the more reliant you pup will be at the command.
The characteristics of how puppies learn is also pretty accurate for training older dogs, as well. I mean a canine is a canine, the difference being that puppies are typically more hyper. It can also take puppiese a little longer to catch on to new commands, but of course the all depends on your training method and how often you train.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Adopting a Dog
Before you adopt a dog, you want to make sure that everyone in the house is prepared to take on the responsibility. You also want to make sure that you understand that you really can find a good dog at a shelter. Animals that you find at animal shelters are not all bad dogs; some are left behind when a family moves or when someone just can't take care of them anymore.
There are so many bad stories that you may hear about adopting a pet, but if you know what you're looking for and how to train the dog, you should be fine.
Don't be afraid of talking to the employees and volunteers at the animal shelter, as they can give you more insight to the dog's personality and characteristics.
Save a life and adopt a pet today

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Dog Grooming Tips and Dog Grooming Supplies

Grooming your dog is just as important as watching what he eats. You want to make sure that you have a steady and regular grooming routine so to prevent any ailments caused by poor grooming habits. IE daily teeth brushing to prevent dental disease and regular nail trims to prevent painful and uncomfortable gait.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Potty Training a Puppy
Ok,ok that's enough, but it can be a big task when successfully housetraining a puppy, or older dog. But, that doesn't mean it's impossible.
You want to make sure that you're consistent by setting up schedules. You want your puppy on a feeding schedule, play schedule, training, and pottying.
The next step to successful house training is to find the best method for your dog. Some dogs fair better with other methods than other dogs. I will mention that crate training is a very effective and sucessful means of potty training your dog.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Dog Breed Characteristics

The AKC is probably the kennel club that sets the stage for dog groups and breed charactersitics. They are the dog registry that seems to have the most info and background about breeds that they register.
Well, when training your dog or leaning up on characteristics for a certain breed, you'll want to check out the characteristics for the breed group, not just the breed.
It will definitely help out when searching for the best method of training, and it will help out when trying to uncover why your dog does the things that he does.
If you're really interested in figuring out your dog and his behaviors, check out the following link. I really think that it will help.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Choosing a Dog Crate
You also want to make sure that you get a cage that is going to be appropriate for your dog. Some dogs do better in plastic travel crates, whereas other dogs may do better in wire crates.
For more information about choosing a dog kennel, check out
How to Choose a Dog Crate
Monday, June 2, 2008
Puppy Temperament Tests

When you're at the breeder's house or at the shelter, you are looking for the perfect dog for you and your family. You want to ensure that you get the right dog for your personality and lifestyle.
By doing this you may want to implement some of the temperament tests that determine dominance, submissiveness, prey drive, and other aspects of a dog's temperament and personality.
Sometimes the shelter or breeder will be able to tell you the basics of a dog's personality before you actually take the dog home, but you want to understand how this works, and how to do it for yourself.
These tests prevent dogs from being returned to the shelter or breeder becuase he jsut didn't fit. It's just not fair... You want the transition for hte dog or puppy to be smooth and long-lasting. Not temporary.
So anyway, check out the following temperament tests.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Breeding Corn Snakes

When breeding any snake, you need to make sure that the snake is healthy and has absolutely no health concerns, as brumation and breeding will make any health concerns worse. You want to make sure that the snake is of proper weight, as females will loose weight while breeding and egg laying.
Before you actually introduce the male and female snakes, make sure that you have all the proper materials for egg incubation and hatchling care. You don't want to get surprised with an early clutch and not have the incubator ready.
For more information, check out:
Breeding Corn Snakes
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Help Caring for Pet Reptiles

Reptiles make great pets, so if you've decided that you want a pet reptile or you want to get your child a pet reptile, then you wantto do all the research you can before you actually bring home the new pet.
You don't want to get stuck with Tokay Gecko if you want a pet you can handle, as the majority of Tokays are very aggressive. And, you don't want to bring home an Emeral Tree Boa, if you want a pet for your 5 year old, as they too can be aggressive.
By doing your research first, will prevent you from taking your child's pet back to the pet store. It will also prevent the pet from being neglected because it just wasn't the right pet, but you don't want to give it up.
For more information, I advise the following link,
Help Caring for Pet Reptiles
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Dog Training Tips

Positive training is the most effective form of dog training; but using the clicker and positive reinforcements will teach your dog what behaviors you want him to repeat with certain commands.
Once you tackle basic obedience, you can move onto fun tricks and agility, which will help stimulate your dog's mind and keep him exercised (if you opt for agility).
For more information, check out:
Dog Training Tips, Help, and Techniques
Friday, May 23, 2008
Flat Rock Scorpions
To see more, check out
Caring for Flat Rock Scorpions
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Caring for Dogs and Puppies
Dogs are supposed to be man's best friend, so make sure that you know how to take care of your best friend. The link below has tons of infor towards raising puppies, dog training, treats, and more.
For more info, check out:
Caring for Dogs and Puppies
Monday, May 19, 2008
All About the American Pit Bull Terrier

These dogs really are wonderful dogs when the owner takes the time to properly train and socialize them.
Below, you'll find a link about American Pit Bulls that will take you to the in's and out's of the breed. You'll learn about dog fighting and gameness, as well as, famous Pit Bulls and BSL. You'll learn the truths about sever dog attacks in regards to pit-type dogs and Pit Bull myths.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Tough Dog Toys: Destruction of the Dog Toy

I've tried dog tires, Yanker's dog toys made of thick canvase, and dog toys made of firehose material.
Of the three the dog toy made of the firehose material was destroyed within two days, the dog tire within four, and the Yanker's toys within a few weeks.
The Yanker's dog toys have lasted the longest, as she enjoyed tossing them around and playing with the squeeker within it. Although, she did chew several holes in the Yanker's toys, they lasted the longest.
I have yet to find a toy that has lasted more than a few weeks. In the link below, I have outlined the trials of the toys, although I have yet to add the firehose dog toy. I will continue to update the hub with more information, in hopes to help out dog owners with dogs who like to destroy dog toys.
To read more of my adventure of dog toys check out
Tough Dog Toys: Destruction of the Dog Toy
Friday, May 16, 2008
Dog GPS Tracking Devices
The downfall is that some tracking devices for pets only reach a certain mileage. Also, they rely in batteries, so you need to keep them charged up, as the last thing you want to happen is to get a location on your dog and the batteries die; it would be very hard to find him if he's traveling on foot, versus at someone's house.
But, nonetheless, the GPS tracking devices can be a worth-while investment.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Caring for Small Animals

Small animals are pretty popular pets for younger kids. Think about it small animals, or rather small mammal, pets include a wide variety of pets such as hamsters, gerbils, mice, rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, ferrets, chinchillas, degus, hedgehogs, sugar gliders, and more. Ther are so many different small animal pets, that it's a wonder that they're not the most popular pet amongst young childrens.
The only concern that I have is for hte parents that show up at the pet store and purchase whatever pet the pet store employee says would be good and with whatever accessories and housing they recommend.
Not all pet store employees know what they're talking about, so I can stress enough, do your research first!
But anyway, if you want more information, check out
Caring for Small Animals: Hamsters, Mice, Rats, & Chinchillas
Best Pets for Small Children
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Information About Dog Breeds
Although, not all dogs within a breed have the same traits, by knowing what to expect, you can better your knowledge of the dog's behaviors and why he does the silly things that he does.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Caring for Leopard Geckos

Although they are probably the easiest pet reptile to take care of, there are so many simple mistakes you can make. So before you invest in caring for a species that can live an average of 15 to 20 years, you want to make sure that you will be able to provide that to the gecko.
When bringing any new pet into your life, make sure to know and understand the proper husbandry, diet, and overall care for the species.
Leopard geckos come in a variety of colors and patterns, but all must be taken care of the same way. Just because you have a blazing blizzard and your friend has a tangerine, the same care goes into both morphs as they are the same species just a different color.
Anyway, for more information, check out the link below.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Setting up a Leopard Gecko Enclosure

Setting up a leopard gecko enclosure is pretty important for the accurate care of the species in captivity. You want to make sure that you provide the best environment possible to ensure that your new, or potential pet remains healthy and happy in your care.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Breeding & Raising Insects for Reptiles
Good staple insects can include:
Discoid Roaches
Treats for your reptile can include:
Phoenix worms
For more information and the nutritional content, check out the link below:
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Myths about Pit Bulls

The myths that surround the American Pit Bull Terrier, are those that really surround all bully breed dogs, but because the American Pit Bull Terrier includes "pit bull" in its name, they tend to get the most heat.
For more information about pit bull myths see below.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Litter Box Problems With Cats

Cats are usually pretty clean animals, but sometimes you can run into problems with the litter box. The most common problem, of course, is that the cat isn't using the box.
There can be a number of reasons as to why your cat isn't using the litter box, you need to define the cause in order to figure a solution.
For more information, check out this article: Litter Box Problems With Cats
Friday, April 4, 2008
Feeding Pet Cats

Feeding pet cats can be as simple or complicated as you want. But, with a steady schedule, you can easily make feeding you cat a simple process.
First you want to know the differences between dry food, wet, and homemade, the advantages and disadvantages of each, and which would suit your cat the best.
Once you've determined what type of cat food you'll feed your cat, it's time to pick a brand that will provide your cat with the best, well-balanced diet.
For more details and information, check out the following link.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Severe Dog Attacks

There are dozens of dog bites a year, and a trickle or to of fatal attacks. But, the media leads you to believe that there are more fatal attacks than there truly are. Plus, they lead you to believe that pit bulls are the only dog breed that attack. I haven't heard of a Great Dane or German Shepherd fatal attack in the media in a while, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't happen.
Plus, even looking at the statistics, you can't assume that just because it says "Pit Bull", "Pit Bull Mix", or whatever that it truly was that dog because the characteristics that lead people to believe a dog is a pit bull type dog are similar characteristics of other big dog breeds. So, it's just not fair.
Yes, these dogs attack. I'm not denying that fact, but they just don't attack as frequently or as often as the media lets you to believe.
For more information, check out the first hub that I've published from my list of hubs for April:
Severe Dog Attacks and Pit Bull- Type Dogs
(Picture at the top is of a Dogo Argentina.)
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Articles for HubPages
They include:
The Truth About American Pit Bull Terriers
Severe Dog Attacks and Pit Bull- Type Dogs
Tough Dog Toys: The Destruction of the Dog Toy
Caring for Dogs and Puppies
Information About Dog Breeds
Dog Training Tips, Help, and Techniques
All About the American Pit Bull Terrier
Dog GPS Tracking Devices
How to Choose a Dog Crate
New Dog: To Adopt or To Purchase
Help Caring for Pet Reptiles
Help Caring for Leopard Geckos
How to Set Up a Leopard Gecko Enclosure
Breeding & Raising Insects for Reptiles
Other Animals
Caring for Small Animals: Hamsters, Mice, Rats, & Chinchillas
As the articles are completed and published, I will post summaries and links, so look out.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Gadget Guide for Your Reptile's Enclosure

When setting up a reptile's enclosure, you want to make sure to have all the right equipment. You want to make sure to provide the apporpriate heat temperatures, humidity, and lighting.
You want to make sure that your temps aren't too low or too high, or that your humidity levels aren't low or high.
In order to provide for the perfect captive enclosure, there are a few gadgets you may want to invest in.
I want to suggest:
For more detail see :Gadget Guide for Your Reptile's Enclosure
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Setting up a Natural Enclosure for a Leopard Gecko

It's often assumed that because leopard geckos are desert reptiles, they live naturally on sand, but the truth is that only 20% of the world's deserts are composed of loose sand. So, if you want to create a true natural habitat for a leopard gecko, you'll want to purchase rock tiles. The following link will give you plant advice and general advice for setting up a natural enclosure for a leopard gecko.
Native Habitat of the Leopard Gecko & Setting up a Natural Enclosure
Remember that this is not something for a beginner to take part in. And, no, 2 years isn't enough to create a true natural habitat. But, read the above article and see what you think. Maybe it will help evoke ideas to create your own version.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Gadgets for Pets

Gadgets and techy things are pretty popular among humans, but what about gadgets for your pets?
I'll start general a gadget for cats and dogs:
Gadgets for Pets: Electronic Pet Feeders
A neat gadget for cats:
Gadgets for Cats: The Cat Spa
And, the hub that won me best of the day :-D, gadgets for dogs:
High- Tech Gadgets for Dogs
Check them out and tell me what you think.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Homemade Dog Treat Recipes

We love our dogs. I mean otherwise, we wouldn't have them. So why not spend a little time, heart, and soul, making homemade dog treats for your pup? These recipes are quick and easy, and your dog will thank you for them.
So, when it's a rainy day or you just don't feel like doing anything, cook up a batch of homemade, healthy dog treats.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Best Pets for Small Children

Best Pets for Small Children
If you have any suggestions of other good pets for children, leave me a comment and let me know your suggestions.
Monday, February 25, 2008
How Do I Convince My Parents I'm Ready for a Puppy?

I have a few suggestions for you...
How Do I Convince My Parents I'm Ready for a Puppy?
Prove to your parents that you're responsible enough to take care of a puppy. They're a long commitment, not something that you can throw in the yard when you've had your fill.
Dogs will by far teach you great responsbility, but you must have at least a grain or two to start.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
How Much is That Puppy in The Window?

Today's topic is "money."
How Much is That Puppy in The Window?
Once the contest is over, I promise to have a little description with my blogs. I'm just a little busy lately.
Dog's are more than a cute squeeky toy here and dog food there. You have to remember shots, emergencies, and other costs that all come with raising a dog in your family.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Dog Ear Cropping and Tail Docking

I know you've seen dogs out there with cropped ears and docked tails. It's sad, but it happens. Heck, you may be one of those people...
Well, either way, I suggest the reading of one of my "style" HubLove contest entries:
Stylizing Your Dog: The Nip/ Tuck of the Canine Variety
Again, I've been busy with the contest, writting nearly 10 hubs a day. I hve 3 other animal "style" hubs that I'll be posting over the next few days. And, on Saturday, I'll post my choice for top hub of the day in the contest. I can't wait to find out what the topic is. It's not too late to participate. Just create an account with HubPages.

Friday, February 15, 2008
What Dog Breeds Make The Best Pets?
But, with other news. I've created another hub about what dog breeds make the best pets. Honestly, they all do, but that doesn't mean that all dogs are for everyone. So, you may want to check it out HERE
Monday, February 11, 2008
Things to Think About Before Breeding Reptiles
There's really a lot that you may not have thought about. Housing. Feeding. Money.
Can you afford this adventure- money-wise, time-wise, and space-wise?
My first response to anyone who questions me about breeding is, "do more research."
So, anyway...
Read more
Friday, February 8, 2008
Common Chinchilla Ailments
Watch your chinchilla(s) closely for signs of illness, and take him to the vet at the slightly sign of something is wrong.
Learn about common health concerns for chinchillas, so that you know what to look for and how to prevent mishap.
For more information
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Chinchilla Health & First Aid
So for more information about chinchilla health care and chinchilla first aid, CLICK HERE
Monday, February 4, 2008
How to Train Your Pet Rat

I've always been interested in animal training for just about any animal. I mean how cool is it that you can train wild dolphins to jump through hoops? I think it's pretty neat.
You can train dogs and cats. You can train ferrets to di simple tricks. You can even train rabbits, a little bit.
But how cool is it to train a rat?
I love my rats, and when I brought them home, had intentions of training them. But, well, I got slack, and decided to just let them be rats. Now, I wish I had kept up with their training.
I once attempted to train my chinchillas agility, but that didn't go so well, so I thought rats would be perfect. But, somehow I've misplaced all my agility equipment. I need to dig deep in the house for it. But, anyway, it's cool to train your pet rat.
Training pet rats gives them something to exercise their brain with. It brings you closer to them becuase you're spending more time with them, and they definately won't fight you on that.
So how are you supposed to get started?
By reading:
How to Train Pet Rats
It's free, so don't worry. It's just a short article with tips and tricks to training pet rats.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Molosser Dog Breeds

You can include the American Pit Bull Terrier, AmStaff, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Boxer, Rottweiler, Mastiff, Bulldog, and other various mastiff bred dogs.
Being larger dogs, they tend to suffer hip dysplasia and bloat, but as for other common illnesses to Molossers, it would depend on the specific breed in question.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Rodent Immune to Pain

For more information click HERE
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Homemade Dog Treats
Fruit and Vegetable dog treats are healthy, providing essential vitamins and minerals. And, trust, me, you dog will love them!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Tips for Getting a Puppy

Before bringing home a new puppy, whether you already have a dog or not, you need to consider everything.
Who will take on these tasks?
You need to make sure that you are prepared to bring home a new puppy, or dog.
Read Owning A Dog: Tips, Tricks, and Help
Remember that training starts as soon as you bring a new puppy home. So make sure that you are prepared in how to properly train a dog.
Reinforcement Training
Clicker Training
Dog Training Tools
Make sure that you are, also, aware of basic obedience commands:
Basic Obedience Training Part 1
Basic Obedience Training Part 2
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Owning a Siberian Husky

The one mistake in husky owners is shaving their pup. Siberian husky's have a double coat, and the upper coat, composed of gaurd hairs, help keep the dog cool in warmer months and warm in the cooler months. So, when you shave this upper coat, you remove the dog's protection to weather. Siberian huskies require little grooming besides teething brushing, nail clipping, and the occassional baths. These dogs tend to keep themselves clean of dirt.
Another common mistake is when these type of dogs are thrown in a backyard with little to no exercise. With their history, Siberian huskies are travelers, and need a good deal of exercise, daily! Otherwise, they will become destructive, mischievious, and may escape their confines in order to roam.
Huskies need to be kept confined on a leash, in your home, or behind a locked gate, as they are historic travelers and tend to fall in this path, with the roaming instinct. But, with proper DAILY exercise and spaying or neutering, you should eliminate this concern.
Read more:
*The photo is of Jeffry Beall's Siberian Husky, Scarlet, and can be seen in it's original form here.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Pet First Aid Kit
Well, think about it... I mean there are so many different things that your pets can get into. Snake bites, spiders, glass, poisons, etc. You want you beloved family members safe from harm, so why wouldn't you want you beloved pets? They're family, too, right?
Well, you can read more about Pet First Aid: HERE
As the article stats, you don't have to go out and purchase a special Pet First Aid Kit, you can make your own- one that is special for your pet. The article gives you an entire listing of items that you may want to include, as well as safe medicines you can give your dogs (and what the medicine is for).
NOTE: Never give your dog human medicines without contacting your vet or an after- hours vet. You don't want to overdose your pet. Plus consider that not all breeds can handle the same medicines, as Collie's have more sensitive stomachs than other breeds.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Blue Eye Koala

They think that nine-month-old Frankie could be one of a kind, since koalas almost always have brown eyes.
Keepers at the Dreamworld theme park on the Gold Coast immediately named it after Frank Sinatra - known, of course, as Ol' Blue Eyes.
The Australian Koala Foundation said Frankie was the first blue-eyed koala it has been aware of in its 20-year history.
Michelle Barnes, a supervisor at the Dreamworld park, said: "They spend their first few months in the pouch so it wasn't until he was five or six months old that we first noticed he had blue eyes."
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Homemade Rat Foods

Making homemade foods for you pets is all the rage in today's society. With the fears of infected foods, all natural is the new trend. In most cases, this new idea has been geared towards dogs and cats.
But, why not make your own rat foods and treats?
By making your own pet foods, you know what goes into the diet. You know the health benefits of each item. You know the pros of what you're adding to the food.
Below, I have added a few links that will share more nutritional information geared towards pet fancy rats. You will find recipes for foods, treats, and other snacks that you can feed your rat, and not feel guilty. But, with any treat, make sure that it does not encompass more than 10% of your rats diet.
Homemade Rat Diets
Homemade Rat Recipes
Homemade Rat Treats